Sunday, January 29, 2017

Life Lessons :)


Life teaches something every other day. Learning never stops. Life is a school we never stop attending to. We fall and then we rise. We fall again and then we rise again. It goes on and on. It’s not like the regular school we attend in our childhood, where there is a set curriculum, a set list of lessons, and where we have the choice of leaving out a few lessons if they are too much for our understanding. The school of life comes with an element of surprise; we never know what is the next lesson we may have to learn. We never know what and how life will challenge us. We never have a clue what test we may have to appear in. We may have to go through the same test again and again, until we choose to learn finally.

There is so much that we learn every day, actively or passively. But if I have to share the greatest lesson of life that I have learnt so far goes something like below:

No matter what, don’t carry emotional baggage. Believe in forgiveness and move on. If we give a lot of importance to whatever wrongs were committed against us, we poison our ownselves. And we sure don’t want to do that. Life is too short to harbor bitterness and host long self pity parties. Sometimes, we do that in the name of ego/ self-respect, but while attempting to protect our self respect, we fail to cleanse our emotional system. When I talk about wrongs, I don’t essentially mean some major betrayals/ selfish deeds/ drastic harms which we had to go through; I also mean small and little everyday things, which get escalated in our tiny emotional system; including arguments, misunderstandings, heartbreaks, unattended needs; basically everything from tiniest emotion left unhealed to the biggest and most drastic life experiences.   

There is no use playing the blame game, pinpointing people, holding resentments, criticizing people, criticizing circumstances. The real freedom, the real liberation and the real bliss comes with forgiveness. Forgiveness for people and forgiveness for circumstances. No one does the kind of things they do knowing that they are doing wrong. They do the kind of things they do because they believe they are doing right. It’s difficult to understand but it kind of works this way mostly. Everyone is dealing with their own limitations, learning their own lessons, just like we are. We all seem to be so different yet our roots are same. We are all attending the same school of life, just that we are learning the personalized lessons designed exclusively for us, at our own pace, in our own ways. When we attend school, we are told by peers and parents to not judge weak students, help everyone and be good to everyone. Same holds true in the school of life as well. Why judge people? Why not just be good to everyone. May be they are yet to learn their lessons. Why not just keep your emotional system clean and pure by learning forgiveness. Rather than dealing with the emotional baggage, we can deal with better lessons of life. After all, life is short.

And this principle of forgiveness does not apply to other people only; it applies to self as well. Infact, it’s much more important when it comes to self. It’s only human to make mistakes and get messed up once in a while. It never helps to sit on our own mistakes and ridicule ourselves. Self-loathing is much more harmful than the emotional baggage. It’s perfectly alright if we make mistakes. We learn even from our mistakes. So we should forgive ourselves for all the meddling up we do and love ourselves all the same.

In the end nothing matters, only love does. Love is the true nature of all of us humans.

So, that’s the biggest lesson of life I have learnt till date. I have yet not perfected it and I am constantly trying. It may take a pretty long time still and that’s another reason it’s the biggest of all lessons for me.


This post is written for the INDISPIRE Edition154 What is the best lesson that life has taught you so far? #LessonOfLife


  1. very positive message to live life peacefully and to spread 'Aman" among people and also in inner-self, but some incidents in life cant be ignored, cant be forgotten.
    There are some people whose activity is not less than any anti social and interestingly those people are also known as "gentle".
    sometime people may misuse of your forgiveness nature.

  2. Its idealism which is devoid of practicality.

    1. It depends on how an individual perceives Life. If one is more keen on material goals, it would make no sense to them and that is fine as well. A person more inclined to material pursuits will always ask what's in it for me..And there is nothing but liberation. It sure is not easy to follow..But I wouldn't have written it, if I hadn't felt it at some point of time. I said I have not perfected it, but yes I have experienced it.

  3. This is so true. I have experienced it myself. If you forgive yourself for your mistakes or wrong taken steps in life, you feel free and new opportunities come in front of you. Moving on means there is a future.

  4. So true..something I needed like right now :)
